Saturday, 30 July 2011

The policies are failed to solve the problems of farmers (Dr. krishan Bir Chaudhary)

July 2011 - Agriculture as the major livelihood resource of our people and the mainstay of our economy has become an unrewarding and un-remunerative proposition. The Planning Commission is bent upon  imposing  the policies and technology that have no relevance to the ground reality of Indian agriculture. The Planning Commission and the Bureaucrats are  misguiding the Govt. on so called advantages of policies. The right policies can put our country on the high pedestal of agricultural development.
Agricultural  policies and research in India seems to have become totally incompatible to the needs of our agro-system or perhaps it has lost its goal and gone out of track. Well laid infrastructure, countrywide network of research centers and the enormous fund spent over agricultural research failed to achieve the desired goal. Major part of the funds earmarked for agricultural research is spent on establishment and very little on actual research.
They do no fit into our agro-system and have overlooked the needs of Indian agriculture, did not care to identify the real malady and suggest constructive and realistic remedial measures. The policies will make our agro-system captive at the mercy of the corporates for all time. The corporate agriculture model is not fit for our country. Their advocacy for launching a Second Green Revolution is deceitful as it is nothing but a conspiratorial ploy of making way for genetic engineering and G.M.O's whereas elsewhere in the world including even developed countries, these technologies are facing stiff public resistance on Bio-ethical grounds.
The agriculture policies should put on the right track .The country needs the Farmer Centric Agriculture Model and it should be based on NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT for the sustainable agriculture. The present policies and planning and research is fast moving towards a blind alley. The research, policy and planning  has become a burden on the public exchequer. It has no perceived idea, understanding and appreciation of research priorities for a predominantly agricultural country like India. The functioning of the policy makers is the inherent weakness of its leadership and inefficient management.
The policy planners miserably failed to cater to the needs of Indian agriculture. It's  a matter of competence & commitment and having innovative ideas as per the need of the farmers and must be fully committed towards perspective growth and development of agriculture in the country.

(Editorial : Kisan Ki Awaaz Magazine)

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